1890 Baker City, Baker County, Oregon

Democrat-Herald  Section III  Wednesday, March 27, 1968 

Basche - Sage Hardware Company ~ 1890
Located in the same block as the original Store

Democrat-Herald  Section III  Wednesday, March 27, 1968 
Pictured above is the Basche Sage Warehouse located on the 2700 block of Court St.  The warehouse contains modern facilities for efficient handling of heavy hardware supplies such as nails, pipe, rope, tools, roofing, etc.

Basche Sage Hardware 1950's

Basche-Sage Has 75th Anniversary

Noted Wholesale and Retail Founded
In 1875; Purchased by Basche in 1876

"Your home-owned store since 1875" is no mere slogan but actually a five word history of the notable Baker first of Basche-Sage Hardware Company, which is this week celebrating its 75th anniversary.

The original business, although under a different name, was started that year by J.H. Parker, but its continuity has never been broken. The next year, in 1876, Peter Basche purchased Mr. Parker's interest and later took into the firm as a partner, J.P. Faull, the business being known as Basche and Company. After a few words and upon the death of Mr. Faull, Mr. Basche conducted the business alone until 1903.

Consolidated With Sage-Grace

During the last named year Basche and Company took over the firm of Sage and Grace and the consolidated firm assumed the name of Basche-Sage Hardware Company under which title it has continued ever since. Prior to 1903, a branch store had been established in the booming mining town of Sumpter, but was sold some years later to Claude Basche who operated it until the Sumpter fire. Mr. Basche later joined the firm and became secretary- treasurer.

About this time, D.W. French, then cashier of the Citizens Bank of Baker, became identified with the company and was first secretary-treasurer and later president of the firm. S.L. Baer, one of Baker's noted pioneer business men from his arrival here in 1886, became vice-president of the hardware firm.

Mining Supplies Important

Early officers of the company recognized the importance of the mining industry in the Baker territory and met the demand by stocking one of the largest lines of mine and milling supplies of any store between Portland and Salt Lake City. The wholesale trade was given special attention. The necessary stocks of these and other hardware lines, including those needed by livestock operators in the area, required much storage space and warehouses were added, including one at the O.W.R.N. and company railroad tracks, which later was doubled in size.

During the companies long history, its managers have kept abreast of the times with new lines and more modern equipment of the hardware and kindred lines as those became available and today on its three big floors are arrayed everything pertaining to the hardware and such lines.

Modern Store Built In 1926

The present fine brick store building was erected in 1926 on the quarter block at Main and Broadway. The store building is 125 by 100 feet with two stories and full basement. The structure provides floor space of 40,000 square feet. The building, designed by the late M.P. White, architect, has been widely praised for its beauty and practical arrangement. It was built Trenchell & Parelius, then general contractors of Portland. The site on which the big store was built was the original site of the Pioneer Kentucky Liqour store, which was razed to make room for the modern store.

Claude Basche Was Company Manager

The late Claude Basche, whose death occurred this year, had a prominent part in affairs of Basche-Sage Hardware Company for many years. Son of one of the founders, he spent his entire adult life with the concern. He was a native son of Baker, having been born here December 11, 1877.

In 1899 he went to Sumpter and started a hardware store which was taken over by the company when it organized in 1903. Four years later the company withdrew from the Sumpter business and Mr. Basche continued to conduct the store until 1917 when his place was burned out in the big fire of the mining town. He then moved back to Baker and again affiliated himself with the local store.

He was secretary-treasurer, directing and manager of Basche-Sage, successively, holding the managership for a number of years prior to his death and which office is now held by his son Fred. He was prominent in civil as well as commercial affairs of the city and was a member of the board of directors of the Baker County Chamber of Commerce for a number of years. He is credited with being one of the organizers of the Baker Rod & Gun club.

Source: The Record-Courier, Baker, Baker County, Oregon, Thursday, November 23, 1950

Baker City

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