Baker High School Class of 1931

Many of the readers to the Baker County pages often contribute information Marie L. Nelson contributed her father's Diploma, high school picture, and family photos to the site.

Harold Chandler Nelson

Allen, Georgia M. Guyer, Helen Amalia O'Neil, Harold V.
Angel, Lily Belle Hiatt, Lucille O'Neil, Vernon H.
Angell, William D. Hill, Dorothy M. Ott, Thelma Lucille
Behrens, Marjorie Roberta Hill, Paul V. Parker, Daryl
Bentley, Elsie M. Hogg, John A. Perkins, Cecil A.
Bernhardt, Harold E. Hubbard, Forrest Poulson, Mary
Bitz, Willa M. Hunt, R. Alan Ritch, Elsie A.
Brown, Marjorie R. Hyde, John C. Riley, Wilma L.
Brown, Albert R. Jacobs, Pauline Elizabeth Robertson, Carl L.
Calder, Clarence L. Jahr, Esther Gertrude Rogers, Ethel
Cook, Calvert L. Jensen, Irma Muriel Rogers, George W.
Chandler, Herberta Jones, Jenny Karee Ryder, William H.
Clark, Helen J. Judy, Barbara A. Scott, Ada E.
Cockram, Ernest E. Kelly, Elizabeth Ellen Shurtliff, Berneice
Couzens, Earl F. King, Helen Marjorie Smith. Lois M.
Crabill, Phyllis L. Lang, William Edward Smith, Laura LeDeane
Crimin, James Wallace Langrell, Etha Spence, Marjorie J.
Domby, Louisa Lowry, Elizabeth Katherine Stewart, Marian
Dougherty, Veta May McCallum, D. Verne Stewart, Ruth E.
Fleener, Willis M. McKim, Donald Sturgill, J. Cecille
Fong, Christine Miller, Earl Tipping, Eleanor L.
Fossm, Donald Murray, Bruce W. Tucker, Dorothy K.
Freeman, Bernice Nelson, Harold C. Welty, Louise
Geddes, Margaret K. Neusiis, Carl H. Pifher, V. Jerome
Grant, Wilma Nobach, Norman H. Wing, Winnifred
Greener, D. Barbara Norbach, Roland Crockett, Jim
Grimmett, Beulah B. Nock, Thomas Horn, John P.

Graduation Announcement

Nelson Family Photos


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