The Eastern Oregon Mineral
There is a mineral chain or zone extending from, Canyon
City on the south to the Snake River on the north, covering not least than
one hundred and fifty miles long by thirty wide. This section has been
producing gold for more than thirty years. From placers first and from
both placers and quartz latterly. Take a trip through any portion of this
region and the old and new evidences at operations attest to the magnitude
of the yield. And yet it is a new country. The placer deposits have had
the cream skimmed off them, but cheaper and more improved facilities for
operation has made them desirable property yet.
Quartz mining in this section is, with a few exceptions
in its infancy. The amount of work done has been to a great extent done by
poor men, who had to make money from the start or they could not prosecute
Canyon City has not attracted much attention, aside
from her "placer diggings," until recently. One of the oldest camps in the
state, from a booming camp in the sixties and seventies, they settled down
into a quiet little burg, her people following mining, farming, stock
raising, and fruit culture, flush or hard times of the outside world had
little effect on these people. All the necessaries of life were close at
hand, they became a community that depended solely on their own resources.
Gold they had for the purchase of what a bounteous soil and beautiful
climate did not produce. If it had so happened the balance of the world
had been swallowed up, the people of John Day Valley and Canyon Creek
would have gone serenely on. The writer once saw a curious spectacle near
Canyon City. Noticing a man windlassing gravel in an apple orchard, on
inquiry he learned that the man in digging a well had found pay gravel,
and it had been his custom to drift from the bottom of his shaft, raise
the pay dirt and wash it with a stream of water that he also used for
irrigation on his farm and orchard. He was not particular to hunt up a
sunny spot for a fine apple tree afforded shelter from the sun. With
luscious fruit in abundance growing over his head, on inquiry it was
learned that the product of this farm was fruit, vegetables, grain, pigs,
chickens, beef and gold. What more could man expect? No wonder people with
these resources have not worried their lives away with the things that
keep the outside world at a fever beat. The fabulously rich strike of Ike
Guker in his Great Northern has awakened the people to the fact that the
gold in their placer deposits did not fall from the heavens, and has
started quartz mining in so wholesome a fashion that the Great Northern
may see many competitors before the close of the century.
Canyon District
Canyon district forms the first
link in the chain. Dixey Creek and the Susanville country comes nest.
Quartzburg is an important point in this link. They have arastraed ore and
plastered for years at these placers, and while the outside world has not
been flooded with reports of the big clean ups, yet the owners are
satisfied, and are still doing business at the same old stand. If they are
not doing well their looks and actions indicate the reverse.
Green Horn District
The Green Horn mountains covering
Robinsonville, Bonanza, Pyx, Don Juan, etc. In quartz mines and placer
deposits too numerous to mention comes next in the chain. The riches of
this link could not be told; money has been produced here for years. First
the placers then the quartz and placers, and yet with one or two
exceptions the country has had no development work. This country is in its
inception. The success of the Bonanza people is the forerunner of many
more. Boulders of quartz have been picked up that are so thickly studded
with coarse gold that they resemble nut candy. If the Klondyke boomers
could show specimens like some that come from this favored locality, the
press of the country would teem with the stories of its immense riches.
Red Boy District
The Red Boy mine and its
surroundings comes next in line; here is another evidence of the property
that had to be self sustaining. With a ten ton Crawford mill this property
has paid its own way, developed itself into it million dollar property
built itself a new plant costing some forty thousand, and placed its
owners among the rich men all within four years. This property slid the
adjacent claims have attracted the attention of some or the largest mining
operators in the country, lot all propositions to purchase have been
rejected by the owners.
Granite District
The Granite Creek District has
produced its millions in placer gold, the old town of Independence, now
known as
Granite, was a land mark in early days, and many thousands of dollars have
come from her placer deposits with
many more in sight. Grant Brothers, of Salt Lake City have spent upward of
$100,000.00 equipping their placer possessions, and the stream of sunny
metal that good judgment assures them will flow, will amply repay them for
their investment.
In this section is situated the famous La Bellevue
group, mines. This property has lately passed from the original owner,
Messrs. Cabell Bros., into the hands of Bamberger & Keith, of Salt Lake
City, who are about ready to start up a new fifty ton plant for
concentration. These people are successful mining operators having had
many successful properties in Nevada, Utah and elsewhere. Their advent in
Eastern Oregon is welcomed, for their names are a guarantee that this
property will take front rank among the producers.
In this vicinity we find, among the promising
properties the Magnolia, the Buffalo, the Golden Rule, etc., The Ibex mine
and adjacent properties form an important link in the chain, and it is
truly a golden link. This property, located two years ago, took its place
in the front ranks immediately, and it surely deserves it. The discoverers
were poor men, but with the pluck of heroes they have placed their
property in a shape that commands attention in the mining world.
Sumpter District
The Sumpter District has no small
part to perform in the aggregation of the mineral wealth of this great
country. Placer mining on Powder River and Deer Creek is extensively
carried on. In quartz mining the Huckleberry, the Lazy Jim, &c., bid fair
to become banner producers.
Cable Cove and Cracker Districts
The district coming next in
consideration is that of the Cable Cove and Cracker countries. How much
money has been taken from this section would be hard to determine. How
much more will be taken is only limited by the demand. "The Big Ledge," as
the Cracker Creek main ledge is known, is traceable for miles in the Ibex,
the North End, in the Ten Strike, over twenty-five claims and mines are
being worked on the vein, the more prominent of these being the North
Pole, Eureka and Excelsior, Columbia, Ohio, Wide West, Amazon, Golconda,
Bunker Hill, Rex, etc.
The North Pole property, owned by Baring Brothers of
London, are operating with it cyanide plant. The Eureka and Excelsior are
operating a twenty stamp concentrating plant. The Columbia Company are
concentrating and amalgamating, but have just let a contract, for the
putting in of a chlorine bromine process capable of handling 100 tons
The Ohio people have a twenty stamp mill. The Golconda,
Wide West and Amazon Company have just signed contracts for a chlorine
bromine plant, to cost one hundred thousand. The other properties on the
vein are as yet prospects, but at rate of
development now going on the next year will see many new reduction plants
in operation. Aside from the mines on the "Big Ledge," there are many
more on side veins, notable among them are the Ohio, Climes,
Mammoth, &c.
To the northwest of the Cracker properties comes the
Cable Cove country. This is destined to be the tonnage producer of this
section, owing to the many properties located here. Foremost among the
properties located here are the California, Eagle Group, Red Chief,,
Davenport, Mormon Boy, Oregon Chief, &c.
Elkhorn District
To the northeast the next link in the
chain is the Balsley, Elkhorn and Rock Creek country. Here running night
and day is the Baisly Elkhorn, Robbins Elkhorn, &c. These properties have
proved for years, and present indications are that their production is
only limited by the energy displayed is their operation.
From the streams and deposits in the foothills adjacent
to this section thousands of dollars in placer gold has been taken, and
they are today producing a stream of the sunny metal. Side by side live
the placer miner and the orchardist farmer and rancher, and ground that
has not got pay dirt n is in the shape of gold usually has it in the
production of apples, peaches, and all other things in that line that goes
to make up a bountiful harvest.
Sanger District
Following the chain, the next
mineral country to attract attention is the Sanger country. Way back when
placer mining was the only mining that attracted attention, the Sanger
country commanded its share of attention, and she has held her own ever
since, passing through all the ups and downs incident to mining ramps. The
Sanger district has steadily held her place, and every little while the
unearthing of a fabulously rich deposit carries men's memories hack to the
days when railroads, stamp mills, cyanide plants, etc., etc., were not
dreamed of in this section of the country.
Cornucopia District
From Sanger we pass on to the Cornucopia
country, and "the horn of plenty" is here exemplified. Never did name of a
mining section so fully justify its name. The Union Companion Company have
been operating here for about three years, and the success they are
meeting with is evident from the steady manner in which they are grinding
away. The Simmons group is a property that capital has been seeking to get
hold of for years, and will prove a world beater when put in operation.
Seven Devils District
It is said "a chain is no
stronger than its weakest link." If a chain was as strong as its strongest
link we would he at a loss to determine the strength of this great mineral
chain. The copper link in the chain, the Seven Devils, is by no means the
weakest link, and by far the most massive.
The Anaconda, of Montana, and United Verde, of Arizona,
have made men many times millionaires and built up large towns, yet it is
said the copper deposit of Seven Devils excel either of these. Slow to
take its place in the front rank, yet each year sees advancement that is
so permanent that retrogression is impossible.
Seven Big Adjacent Mining
Sumpter is
the supply point for many mining camps. Here in lies the assurance of her
future destiny. Within a radius of about 15 miles there are no less than
seven camps that are accessible and supplied from this point. The Cable
Cove, Granite, Greenhorn. Robinsonville Bonanza, Hanover and Idol are the
principal ones, and "there are others," and "other others" as goes the
saying phrase of the young lady who had rejected three consecutive
It is not "prospects" that are meant when the tributary
mines are mentioned, as mining men well know. The fame of the Bonanza has
gone forth into other lands. A new wagon road is practically completed
between Sumpter and the famous Geiser properties "the Bonanza" that
shortens the distance seven miles, making it 15 instead of 22. During the
summer of 1897, $750,000 was offered for the Geiser interests in the
Bonanza district, but the offer was refused.
What is in the Sumpter district? Read and see. Among
the leading mines of the district are the Bonanza, 20 stamps; E. & E., 20
stamps; Columbia, 20 stamps; Ohio, 10 stamps; North Pole, 10 stamps;
Golden Stir Mining and Milling Company, 10 stamps; Red Boy, 10 stamps: Don
Juan, 10 stamps; Magnolia, 5 stamps; Esmeralda, 5 stamps: Pyx, 5 stamps
Golden Eagle, 3 stamps. Placer mining is also done in this district. New
ledges are springing into existence each year with a marvelous vitality.
Active operations are carried on as rapidly as the prosper tons can put up
the means to do the work.
A large number of quartz mills are in operation. and
many more will be added each year. Greater progress will be made in mining
the present year than any year since the discovery of gold in the state.
More machinery is being added, more development being made, more interest
taken than ever before, and you will find that Sumpter is in the midst of
a land of gold and golden grain, where valleys that yield from 40 to 70
bushels of wheat, from 60 to 110 bushels of oats, and from 300 to 600
bushels of potatoes to the acre, are walled in by mountains of gold quartz
that runs from $5 to $5,000 to the ton. Prospectors on Auburn gulch
recently displayed at Baker City samples of quartz that runs $400,000 to
the ton, or three-fourths gold. Besides these. which are only briefly
referred to, there are hundreds of newly found valuable gold prospects in
the district, all within 20 miles of Sumpter and directly tributary
thereto. It is these vast resources that will build up Sumpter and make it
a city second to none in the Northwest.
For More on Sumpter visit
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Mining in Sumpter
Eastern Oregon Gold Fields
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