Muddy Creek, Baker County, Oregon

Muddy Creek was a small community north west of Haines.  The only physical reminder of the past  is the School Marker, the community lives on in the hearts of residents.  Map

Fisher Springs at Muddy Creek A look back in time to what once was!!

Clever Chair Made at Fisher Springs

Muddy Creek School

Before 1891, the first Muddy Creek School was built on land donated by Pete Poulson.  It was a 18 x 24 one room school erected by the settlers.

In 1891, Alonzo and Julia Long deeded the north west corner of their land for a new school.

The second school was a frame structure that served till 1894.  This school was destroyed by a freak cyclone on June 2, 1894.  It descended on Muddy Creek from the south, lifting the south wall up and demolishing the building to which a second room had just been added but never used because of the storm.

Fisher Family Photo

1987 or 1989 Graduating Class

First Row: John Turock, Martha Fisher, Edna Prescott-Teacher, Irene Fisher, Ernest Leoning
Second Row: Sylvia Vanderwall, Nevella Miller, Arthur "Bennie" Fisher, Navona Miller, Esther Herd
Third Row: Jess Miller, Fannie Fisher, George A. Fisher, George Vanderwall, Minnie Ensminger

The third school was a sizable 3 room frame building.  The secondary school was added in 1899 and extended a year at a time until 4 years were taught.  It had more college bound seniors for its size than any other school in the state.

The fourth school was a large brick building  built on the same site in 1916 for just under $15,000, and served as both grade school and high  school. Belva Ticknor contributed the above information.

The last High School class was 1947.  Ted Badsky shared the following pictures.

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