Bakeoven to Buzan Cemetery, Oregon

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National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database


Cemetery County Location
 Bakeoven Cemetery Wasco Shaniko
 Baker City Chinese Cemetery Baker Baker City
 Baker Prairie Cemetery Clackamas Canby
 Ball Cemetery Polk Ballston
 Barlow Cemetery Clackamas Canby
 Barnes Cemetery Crook Logan Butte
 Bartlett Cemetery Wallowa Troy
 Baumgardner Cemetery Umatilla Stanfield
 Bay City IOOF Cemetery Tillamook Kilchis River
 Bear Creek Cemetery Clackamas Yoder
 Bear Creek Cemetery Coos Bill Peak
 Beaver Creek Cemetery Clackamas Oregon City
 Beaver Creek Cemetery Crook Mud Spring
 Bedfield Cemetery Klamath Bonanza
 Belcrest Memorial Park Marion Salem West
 Belle Passi Cemetery Marion Woodburn
 Bellfountain Cemetery Benton Monroe
 Bellinger Cemetery Linn Onehorse Slough
 Bemis Cemetery Lane Harness Mountain
 Benton Cemetery Benton Corvallis
 Berlin Cemetery Linn Sweet Home
 Beth Israel Cemetery Multnomah Lake Oswego
 Bethany Methodist Cemetery Washington Linnton
 Bethany Pioneer Cemetery Marion Silverton
 Bethel Cemetery Polk Amity
 Big Creek Cemetery Baker Keating NW
 Big Flat Cemetery Baker Unity Reservoir
 Billy Quinn Grave Deschutes Crane Prairie Reservoir
 Bilyeu Cemetery Linn Jordan
 Blachly Cemetery Lane Triangle Lake
 Blaine Cemetery Tillamook Blaine
 Blan Cemetery Linn Indian Head
 Bland Mountain Cemetery Douglas Days Creek
 Blodgett Cemetery Benton Marys Peak
 Blooming Cemetery Washington Laurelwood
 Blue Mountain Cemetery Baker Sumpter
 Boardman Cemetery Morrow Boardman
 Boggess Cemetery Douglas Dixonville
 Bonanza Memorial Park Klamath Bonanza
 Bonney Cemetery Clackamas Colton
 Boot Hill Cemetery Grant John Day
 Bowlus Cemetery Umatilla Bowlus Hill
 Brack Cemetery Coos Bridge
 Brainerd Cemetery Multnomah Mount Tabor
 Bramlet Memorial Cemetery Wallowa Wallowa
 Brattain Cemetery Linn Peoria
 Breese Cemetery Deschutes Finley Butte
 Brewer Cemetery Coos Bridge
 Bridgeport Cemetery Baker Bridgeport
 Brogan Cemetery Malheur Brogan
 Brookside Cemetery Yamhill Dayton
 Broumbaugh Cemetery Lane Blue Mountain
 Brown Cemetery Polk Dallas
 Brown Cemetery Gilliam Devils Gap
 Brown Cemetery Douglas Devils Graveyard
 Brownsboro Cemetery Jackson Brownsboro
 Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery Linn Brownsville
 Bruno Cemetery Jefferson Warm Springs
 Bryant Cemetery Columbia Clatskanie
 Bryant Cemetery Douglas Dodson Butte
 Buck Hollow Cemetery Yamhill Stony Mountain
 Buena Vista Cemetery Polk Monmouth
 Buffington Memorial Park Curry Cape Blanco
 Bullards Cemetery Coos Bullards
 Bunker Hill Cemetery Linn Halsey
 Burnett Cemetery Douglas Myrtle Creek
 Burns Cemetery Harney Burns
 Burns Piute Cemetery Harney Burns
 Butler Davidson Cemetery Polk Airlie North
 Butte Cemetery Benton Greenberry
 Butte Falls Cemetery Jackson Butte Falls
 Butteville Cemetery Marion Sherwood
 Buxton Cemetery Washington Buxton
 Buzan Cemetery Wasco Dead Dog Canyon

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