Churchill School, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon

A one story brick elementary school with six rooms and a basement was built at Broadway and Seventeenth Street, and Named for former superintendent J. A. Churchill.  A wing and gymnasium-cafeteria were added after 1960.

1946 Churchill School, 4th Grade

Darleen Huffman Photo

Mrs. Blanche Brown, teacher.
First/front row - left to right:
Shirley Goff, Beverly Flowers, Leatha Mann, Darleen Huffman, Nadine Knots, Arlene Larson 
2nd row left to right:
Borden Newman, Carl Becker, Don?, Mrs. Blanche Brown - teacher, Gary Woodson, Albert Woodall, Jay Williams
3rd row left to right:
Louise Gover, LaVelle Wilson, Marcia Richards, Barbara Squires, Evelyn Wright, June Colson, Gloria Stewart
4th row left to right:
 James Strong, Norman Toomes, Donald Martin, Franklin Gover, Cary Smith

1947 Churchill School, 5th Grade

Darleen Huffman Photo

Miss Gladys Hardesty, Principal/Teacher
First row: left to right: Donald Martin, Roberta Reagan, Nadine Knots, Shirley Goff, Marlynn ? , Arlene Larsen, Beverly flowers, Leatha Mann, Darleen Huffman.
Second row:  left to right: Ralph Hatte(?), Jay Williams, Albert Woodall, Gary Woodson, Carl Becker, Cary Smith, Dean, Melvin Toney
Third Row: left to right: Leo Haws, James Strong, Janice Fricke, Evelyn Wright, Barbara Squires, Morgan Craig, Marcia Richards, LaVelle Wilson, Maxine Gregory
Top row: left to right: Eugene McAbee(?), Norman Toomes(?), Pat Spence, Wendell B(?),  Franklin Gover, June Colson, Gloria Stewart, Principal/5th grade teacher Miss Gladys Hardesty

4th Grade 1947

Payton Colton Family Photo

Back Row: Howard Payton (If you can identify any of the students, Contact Us)

5th Grade, 1948

Payton Colton Family Photo

(If you can identify any of the students, Contact Us)


Darleen Huffman Photo

Churchill School Staff

Lady on Left Blanche Brown, Lady in Dark Glasses Gladys Hardesty


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