Kellogg to Kronenberg Cemetery, Oregon
A list of all cemeteries in Oregon, first by name, county and location. A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.
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National Cemetery Database Cemetery Transcription Database
Cemetery | County | Location |
Kellogg Cemetery | Douglas | Kellogg |
Kelly Cemetery | Wasco | Tygh Valley |
Keno Cemetery | Klamath | Hamaker Mountain |
Kent IOOF Cemetery | Sherman | Kent |
Keser Israel and Shaarie Torah Cemeteries | Multnomah | Gladstone |
Key Cemetery | Umatilla | Athena |
Kimsey-Walker Cemetery | Marion | Stayton NE |
Kinder Cemetery | Columbia | Deer Island |
King of Peace Cemetery | Gilliam | Condon |
Kings Valley Cemetery | Benton | Kings Valley |
Kingsley Cemetery | Wasco | Postage Stamp Butte |
Klamath Memorial Park | Klamath | Klamath Falls |
Klum Cemetery | Linn | Waterloo |
Knights of Pythias Cemetery | Coos | Bandon |
Knights of Pythias Cemetery | Columbia | Rainier |
Knox Butte Cemetery | Linn | Albany |
Knox Cemetery | Crook | Mule Deer Ridge |
Kronenberg Cemetery | Coos | Riverton |