Brown Payton Family Photos

Back Row: Bill Osborn, Wallace Landreth, Blake Landreth, Milt Osborn, Ella Osborn, Will Dean, Grandmother (Dean) Brown, W.A. Payton, Wesley Payton, Abbie Payton, Ethel Brown, Gertrude Osborn
Front Row: Lilly Landreth, Dorcas Brown, Julia Osborn, Grace Payton, Martin Osborn, Wilma Landreth, Mildred Payton, John Payton (William and Julia Brown House)


Abbie Brown Payton, Lilly Brown Landreth and Ella Brown Osborn
Sisters of Harvey K. Brown

Abbie Brown Payton and Mildred Payton

Wilma Landreth, John Payton, Mildred Payton
Abbie Brown Payton in background

Sheriff Brown Family Photos
Murder of Sheriff Harvey K. Brown
Baker County 

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