Muddy Creek School 1900's, Baker County, Oregon

Muddy Creek Basketball Team 1911

Elsie Long, Rose Maxwell, Bertha Fisher, Lena Williams, Anna Maxwell, Adele Powell, Georgia Hoberg

Muddy Creek School 1911 (Lower Grades)

Back Row: Clayton Coles, Leola Davidson, Myrtle Ensminger, Maude Williams, John Powell, Etta Gray, Howard Relling, Lewis Hart, Edison Gray, Walter Newell, Ed Newell, Henry Loenning, George Chase, Malcolm Chase

Middle Row: Jessie Hornbeck, Beula Coles, Clesta (Chelesta) Ashworth, Pearl Long, Myrtle Ashworth, Edna Sparrow, Mae Ensminger

Front Row: Paul Relling, Leo Leonning, Pearl Hearing, Leona Hearing, Olga Maxwell, Opal Hornbeck, Eva Long, Velma Haines, Dora Williams, Beatrice Leonning, Orville Fisher, Cleo Cochran

Muddy Creek School 1911 (Entire School)

Muddy Creek School 1912

Front Row: Henry Leoning, Omer Maxwell, Bill Bramhall, Orville Fisher, Earl Brinnan, Jessie Hornbeck, Leola Davidson, Flossie Burnside, Edna Burnside
Back Row: Leo Hearing, Albert Defriese, John Powell, Myrtle Ensminger, Miss Porter, teacher, Beverly Coles,  Glen Fisher, Emma Loennig, Josie Burnside, Franklin Loennig, Walter Newell

Primary Grades 1912

Belva Ticknor Photo

Back Row: Olga Maxwell, Thelma Fisher, Opal Long, Clayton Cole, Ernest Warfield, Velma Haines, Bill Maxwell, Paul Relling, Leo Leonning, Mabel Warfield (standing)
Middle Row: Opal Hornbeck, Myrtle Ashworth, Pearl Long, Beatrice Leonning, Robert Gray, Ossie Davidson, Roy Burnside, Lewis Hart, Dora Williams, Eva Long
Front Row: Howard Relling, Elison Gray, Sam Hornbeck, Melva Spence, Edna Spar, Leona Hearing, Anise Robinson, Mae Ensminger

 Muddy Creek 

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