Wingville Grange No. 650, Baker County, Oregon

Record of Wingville 1952 by Jessie Sturgill

Grange No. 650

1874 - Dec. 7 Hiram Osborn paid Wingville Grange Dues $1.50.

The first Grange in Baker Co. The meetings were held in schoolhouse. Flourished a number of years then disbanded.

All records were destroyed when the schoolhouse burned in 1904.


Charter Members of Wingville Grange No. 650
From found Papers

Wingville Grange No. 650
was organized by John King Oct. 27, 1924 with 31 charter members.

Lou M. Sieg
Mrs. L.A. Sieg
L.A. Seig
W.H. Sieg
John Rohner
Mrs. John Rohner
Florence Rohner
Mrs. Chas. Rohner
Preston Rohner
Chas. Rohner
B. E. Jacobs
Mrs. B.E. Jacobs
F.S. Johnston
Mrs. Barbara Johnston
Wither Martin
John Ashworth
Emma Neilson
 Ora Gerberding
Richard Gerberding
Fred Gerberding
Mrs. W.H. Rohner
W. H. Rohner
 J. Romaine
Mrs. J. Rohner
Bert Melvin
Harold Doherty
H.M. Doherty
Mrs. John Ashworth
Charles Ashworth
Opal Gilkison
Garrett Romaine
A Slight variation with the 2 lists
Lou M. Sieg
L.A. Sieg
Mrs. L.A. Sieg
W.H. Sieg
John Rohner
Mrs. John Rohner
Florence Rohner
Chas. Rohner
Mrs. Chas. Rohner
Preston Rohner
W.H. Rohner
Mrs. W.H. Rohner
B.E. Jacobs
Emma Neilson
Charlie Ashworth
 Mrs. John Ashworth
Ora Gerberding
Richard Gerberding
Fred Gerberding
J. Romaine
Mrs. J. Romaine
Garrett Romaine
Bert Melvin
Olga Mevin
Harold Doherty
H.M. Doherty
F.S. Johnston
Mrs. Barbara Johnston
Wither Martin
 John Ashworth
Opal Gilkison

Charter Member still holding membership in Wingville Grange No. 650 in 1952

L.A. Sieg
Mrs. L.A. Sieg
Mr. Chas. Rohner
W.H. Rohner
Mrs. W.H. Rohner
Mrs. Chas. Rohner

Charter Member still holding membership in Wingville Grange No. 650 in 1957
L.A. Sieg
Mrs. L.A. Sieg
Mrs. John Rohner
Mr. & Mrs. W.H. Rohner
Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Rohner
H.M. Doherty

Those still living

Florence Rohner
Garrett Romaine
Bert Melvin
Olga Melvin
Barbara Johnston
Harold Doherty
W.H. Rohner
Mrs. W.H. Rohner
L.A. Sieg
Mrs. L.A. Sieg


Wingville Grange


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