Historic Towns of Baker County, Oregon

County Towns of the Past and Present
Your link to the history and people of each of the towns in Baker County. If you would like to contribute information to the site, please Contact Us!

Anthony Lake Auburn Austin Baker City
Bridgeport Bourne Cableville Carson
Clarksville Copperfield Cornucopia Durkee
Geiser Granite Greenhorn Haines
Halfway Homestead Huntington Keating
Lime McEwen Medical Springs Mt. Carmel
Morman Basin Muddy Creek Oxbow Pleasant Valley
Pocahontas Pondosa Richland Robinette
Rock Creek Rye Valley Sanger Schneider Meadows
Sparta Tipton Unity Weatherby
Sumpter Whitney Wingville

Baker County

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Oregon Obituary Database

We changed our name, and have expanded!

Contains obituaries for Baker, Crook, Grant, Hood River, Lane, Linn, Malheur, Umatilla, Union, and Wallowa Counties.

  • Baker City
  • Durkee
  • Haines
  • Halfway
  • Hereford
  • Huntington
  • Keating
  • Richland
  • Sumpter
  • Unity
  • Other Baker County Towns
  • Oregon Counties
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