Gildersleeve Photo Collection

George Gildersleeve was a Bakerite for many years, he took photos in many areas of Eastern Oregon.  For any of you like me, Eastern Oregon is always home, no matter where I live. 

George has taken the time to add little notes to his photos and I will include them with his pictures, some will surprise you!!

Union County

Little Church down the block, 1993 Cove Church with Winter Coating

Cove Store during Road paving

Not an inviting setting for warmth, Cove

Briscoe's our neighbor's barn and mountains Jan 1993

David Manuel, the sculptor from Joseph, has relocated to Hot Lake and is
renovating it with his family (Hot Lake history)
This was in the main lobby at Hot Lake.  They only have a couple of rooms renovated and
I'm not so certain they'll get it off the ground but an A for effort

Index | Baker | Grant | Harney | Malheur | Umatilla | Union | Wallowa

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We changed our name, and have expanded!

Contains obituaries for Baker, Crook, Grant, Hood River, Lane, Linn, Malheur, Umatilla, Union, and Wallowa Counties.

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