Baker County with George

George visited many areas of Baker County and we will let you visit each one!!

Main Eagle Trail, North end of
Baker County

Colvard Store between Keating and
Richland fall 1975

Wallowa Mountains from upper Keating Road; January 1969

Photo I took while going to 'the Shook Ranch' on business some years ago.  Durkee in center with the grade school building and Dark Canyon to Bridgeport upper center.

Durkee Storm moving in railroad and highway

Halfway ahead and Wallowas behind
fall 1967

Cow curious near Halfway; autumn 76

Familiar but unknown gent from Halfway;
fall 78

Additional Baker County Photos
Anthony Lake | Snake River | Baker City | Sumpter Area

Index | Baker | Grant | Harney | Malheur | Umatilla | Union | Wallowa

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Oregon Obituary Database

We changed our name, and have expanded!

Contains obituaries for Baker, Crook, Grant, Hood River, Lane, Linn, Malheur, Umatilla, Union, and Wallowa Counties.

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