Anthony Lake and Rock Creek Area

Anthony Lakes has long been a favorite of Bakerites.  Some of  these pictures are taken in the valley along a road that will eventually get you to Anthony Lakes.  (Other Anthony Lakes Photos)

Looking up towards Anthony Lakes area, Cattle grazing on Anthony drainage Nov 1975
Anthony Lakes Road bird season fall of 1974, northwest of Haines aimed west toward Hunt Mountain.
Just below and east of the old Rock Creek School; Feb 1975
Mike Rouse, Dick Brookhart and I were elk hunting on Rock Creek after the first snowfall of the season and ran into Lonnie Shurtleff running his horses out of their summer range on Rock Creek.  We're at the lower or north end of Eilertsten Meadows.
Old Rock Creek farm taken fall of 1975
Webmasters note: This barn was on John Yankey's property when I was a kid and it has the date on the side of the building.  This was still standing in June 2005.
Top of Elkhorn Ridge Rock Creek Butte, Looking down into upper Rock Creek Basin
Anthony Lakes area - hazy in Baker Valley and Grande Ronde Valley; July 1969
Joan and crew again on Anthony - July 1975

Additional Baker County Photos
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