Sumpter, Whitney and Granite

You can visit all three of these towns in one trip if you know where you are going!!

Phillips Lake from Marble Creek Pass, Bull Run Mountain south of
Unity center horizon, Baker County
A peaceful day on Phillips.  Chemical Lime quarry upper center
Sumpter Dredge looking towards Sumpter and Cracker Creek beyond, 1974
Sumpter Cemetery August 1972
Main cross streets in Granite, Grant County, Oregon, 1970
Whitney ghost town early am summer 1971
Whitney's old Oregon Lumber Mill about 1968
Headed to Tony Brandenthaler's gold mine past Whitney about 10 miles west; fall 1967

Additional Baker County Photos
Anthony Lake | Snake River | Baker City | Sumpter Area

Index | Baker | Grant | Harney | Malheur | Umatilla | Union | Wallowa

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Contains obituaries for Baker, Crook, Grant, Hood River, Lane, Linn, Malheur, Umatilla, Union, and Wallowa Counties.

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